Re: Rear axel cap

Posted by Bob J On 2024/5/12 14:17:40
There are definitely those who know more, but I believe that is not a cap, but the end of your rear axle. The drum would have a clearance hole in its centre to clear it. I suspect that you simply pull from the rear edge of the drum and that will result in its removal. Make sure the adjustment hardware has the shoes retracted as far in from the drum as possible to enable ease of removal too. Also check that the emergency/parking brake fully releases so you are not fighting shoe contact. Worse case you could use a puller if it's really stuck, but I have found a heavy persuader (hammer) will free up most drums by hitting them on the outside of the shoe contact ring (perimeter).
I would wait for confirmation from others on this, but based on GM/Ford cars I have worked on from this era I expect that this will be the case.
Good luck,
Bob J.

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