Re: We saw this car at Hershey

Posted by HH56 On 2009/4/27 9:45:56
It is a gorgeous looking car but I always wonder the whys & hows when these come up--like the Plymouth that was put in the time capsule for the future only to rust away.

The article didn't mention, but did the fellow knowing it was the last one decide to keep for posterity, buy two and this was the spare, count on it for his retirement, buy and then for some reason couldn't drive, or something else entirely. Anyway, whatever the reason someone has a fine car now.

Looking at the tires on this and the one Mal found below it, there does appear a difference in the whitewalls. Is the fellow on the repro tire post correct that there was a different width 55-6? O_D, which ones do you have. You mentioned having the same tires, but I didn't see a listing for 800-15 on the Kelsey site unless I totally missed it or misunderstood your response.

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