Re: twin-ultamatic

Posted by Eric Boyle On 2009/6/9 14:48:36
I wouldn't go with the UltraTorque conversion simply because of all the horror stories I've read about vibration. Apparently, the source of the vibration is the Packard flywheel itself, and it needs to be blanchard ground to solve the problem. A lot of work to replace a fine transmission, if you ask me.

That being said, to illustrate the robustness of the Ultramatic, I had a '55 cast iron Ultra in my '56 Patrician, drove it over 6000 miles, hard, on a daily basis, and never did anything to it other than changing the fluid a couple of times, eventually switching over to B&M TrickShift fluid. All this in a transmission that had sat unused for over 40 years in a field. The only part I replaced on it was the converter to pump seal, and I did that when I had it out the first time. I have absolutely NO qualms about using an Ultramatic, but I do recommend that if you have them out, you replace the direct drive clutch if nothing else. Despite all the detractors, the Ultramatic is a damn fine transmission, provided you drive the car like it was intended, and not try to drag race it.

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