Re: An open letter to all who might work on a 1956 Packard with pushbutton shifting

Posted by Predictor On 2009/9/9 0:15:21
Why izzit that it that 90%+ of mechanics are allergic to smoke powered devices...yes, I said smoke. Electrical things actually run on smoke dontcha know? Ever notice that after the smoke escapes that the thing in question no longer works? Case closed.

The real trick is stuffing the smoke back into those teeny wires.

Speaking of blue wire, I had to find a mystery short in a late 70's Ferrari and lost my last marble tracing down the red wire that turned blue, then yellow and ended up green! As they ran out of wire at the factory they spliced in whatever was handy! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! Then there was the Maserati that no one could ever keep from overheatiing even after a valve job, recored radiator etc took a dago to figure out what some other dago had done...the radiator fan's plug had the polarity reversed so the airflow went forward!

I prefer electrical and carbs to most any other repairs...especially if they involve breaking a sweat or barking knuckles.

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