Welcome - V-8 Roll Call

Posted by BH On 2006/12/4 20:27:58
Welcome to the Packard V-8 Forum at Packardinfo.com - an alternative to the formal clubs.<br /><br />BigKev has graciously provided us with a place where we can frankly and openly discuss our favorite Packards and other related matters - even those involving vendors, clubs, etc., whether it's good news or bad. With all due respect, those who don't like that kind of talk should go back to the club of their choice and leave the rest of us alone.<br /><br />However, those who choose to participate here need to use a little common sense in posting - no swearing, no porn, etc. Though conversation naturally drifts off-topic on occasion, please refrain from "hi-jacking" a thread. Also, let's leave race, religion, political parties, etc. out of it as well.<br /><br />Now, if you have come here from the AACA, be sure to reply to this "roll call" and let us know you made it here. Also, you can go to "My Profile", click on the "Avatar" button, and upload the same image that you used at AACA. Automatic signature lines are supported as well.<br /><br />Other newcomers can introduce themselves as they post a new topic.<br /><br />Enjoy!!!

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