Re: 1956 Packard (maybe 1955?) questions

Posted by Mr.Pushbutton  On 2010/1/13 9:44:51
About 25 years ago I spent some time at the Detroit Public Library looking through all of the 1956 photo boxes. I remember quite clearly a photo of a V-8 engine outfitted with the F-I set-up, and a typed card taped to the back of the photo explaining what the photo deplicted, the protoype (experimental) F-I set-up. Later I met Pete Graves (Packard guy, not the actor), who had come into possesion of that engine with that F-I system. I know Roscoe, next time I talk to him I'll ask if he got that engine or F-I system from Pete. There were also 8 x 10 glossies of the 1956 V-12, very obviously a heavily airbrushed, sliced and diced photo of a V-8 engine, and that's all. The photo of the 1956 Packard F-I set-up was taken from above, the engine was in a car, the hood was off.

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