Re: Generator to Alternator Conversion

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2008/2/17 14:34:35
Not to belabor the point, but I'm not convinced that just because a battery has a higher amp-hour capacity, it requires more charging. I always thought the amoung of charging required was based on the amount of current drawn, not the size of reservoir it came from.

And yes, new generators are hard to find, but so are new engine blocks, and a lot else. But unless subject to negligence or some other unusual occurance, a set of $10 brushes every 50,000 miles and a few drops of oil annually should keep a generator going almost indefinately. And of course if needed field coils can be rewound and armatures repaired, though those eventualities should be extremely rare.

And of course the major advantage is that you keep the vehicle's historic originality.

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