Re: Riddle me this......why why why

Posted by Dave Kenney On 2010/8/2 11:33:51
As a kid ( and a Packard nut even then thanks to my grandfather) in the 50's I don't recall seeing many Packards in my blue collar neighbourhood in Windsor , Ontario (across the Detroit River from where Packards were made). My next door neighbour briefly owned a '51 200 model in the mid 50's and it was a lemon which was hard to start in winter and was sold after one or two years when the valves burned out. My older brother had a buddy who owned a 1950 Eight. There was a 34 Victoria parked on a street, way across town that I would insist my brother take me to see on occasions when he would let me ride along to the A&W or HiHo. Gee I loved to look at that car! I recall my dad taking us to Niagara Falls in the mid 50's and seeing a small fleet of 46-47 Clipper Custom and Cadillac 75 Series 7 passenger limos used as tour cars. Packard just weren't a car you saw a lot of in the 50's.

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