Re: 55 Clipper custom, torsion level not working, considering.....

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2010/8/20 13:55:07
Another possibility for non-functioning TL assuming it is electrically active, is the stop light switch. These switches are not long-lived, especially with silicone brake fluid but also with DOT3 or DOT4. I had just replaced the switch on mine before leaving for G-burg because the stop lights didn't go off when I took my foot off the pedal, and immediately after that the TL didn't function. The switch I installed was an NOS and I suspected the switch but the problem, which 70 year-old near-sighted guys can be especially prone, was that the rubber molded piece that holds the 3 wires in position was so deteriorated that one of the sockets just missed connecting with the pin.

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