Re: 1956 Packard Panther website update!

Posted by Ross On 2010/8/23 20:55:40
The owner has a lifelong aversion to Rottenchesters so we put on some new Holleys (or were they Edelbrocks--geez, I can't even remember now) which worked fantastic right out of the box. I was relieved as I am not a multi-carb pro.

The car has manual brakes, and that is the normal pedal shank you can see.

Mr. Hatch had said the gears were from a Willys, and they were 4.88 IIRC. There was no need to mess with them as everything in the punkin was hunky dory.

Two things are striking in driving the car. One, excellent traction on launch coupled with a rise of the whole car. second, this is the only torsion-level car where I've had the opportunity to replace every last rubber bushing, including the body mounts. The ride and over the road smoothness is fantastic.

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