Headlight aiming problem....

Posted by patgreen On 2010/8/27 23:31:45
I thought I would venture into the land of the mechanical by changing a headlight. Simple, right?

So I got the chrome thing with three screws off and put to one side. Then, studying the manual carefully, pulled three screws and got the thin chrome ring off. The headlight separated from the connector fine, tho stiffly. Wires look good. Put cord on new headlight. Right size (no thanks to the adolescent manager at the parts store--didn't come up for a Packard on his computer...).

So far so good.

Then I went to aim it by turning the aiming screws. They turn fairly willingly (and the threads are fine)....but they don't move the headlight up/down or l/r. They just seem like odd randomly placed screws. Are they supposed to catch the metal around the light in some way? How should they work and if I'm missing washers or something, what is the answer?

The manual isn't clear on this. Probably because it's so completely basic.

I'd really appreciate if you explained this about the way you would for an eight year old: step by step with all the basics.

Thanks for your patience!

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