Re: Building it correctly - getting the crud out

Posted by Jack Vines On 2010/9/2 21:57:16
Getting a bit OT here:

IMO, there was no need for rocker shaft design in the Packard V-8 since the RPM was not that high.

When the Studebaker and Packard V8s were being designed, the best practice they had to copy were the first-generation Kettering Cadillac and Oldsmobile V8s, and copy they did. The Pontiac and Chevrolet stud-and-ball innovation didn't debut til long after the S-P designs were locked in.

Some old crud which may come loose in the rocker shafts is not the same thing as ditto in the main oil feeds.

Craig, you're going to have to help me on this one. Why is crud in the rockers coming loose and circulating less damaging than crud in the main oil feeds coming loose and circulating? To me, crud in the oil is crud in the oil.

jack vines

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