Re: Bendix -Treadle Vac - Failure and Fix

Posted by Eric Boyle On 2010/10/4 11:15:01
ok. If we assume that the kit gasket which resembles Erics gasket IS correct then there is no way for fluid to pass from the reservoir into the 'relief port".

That leaves ONE, exactly one and only one function of the port:

The port is filled with brake fluid AT THE TIME of assembly to act as a 'life time' lubricant for the plunger seal.

Wonder if there is a wick in the 55-56 BTV relief ports" ????

There's no wick in mine, or at least no sign of one anymore. I highly doubt that it was for lifetime lubrication either. I went back out and looked it over to see if there was a small port in the front or side of it at fluid level to allow any fluid to go into it and there's nothing, it's totally sealed when the gasket is on.

I still would like to meet the engineer who decided that a movable compensator port to contain braking pressure was a good idea! Just another reason to despise engineers!!!!

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