55 56 Packard safety bead rim wheels.

Posted by PackardV8 On 2010/10/18 18:09:41
To determine if a 55 or 56 Packard or clipper wheel has a bead stamped into the wheel:

Wheel cover NOT removed:
Reach one finger BEHIND the wheel, between the wheel and the drum, and feel for the sloping angle part of the wheel that slopes toward the center of the wheel. Drag your finger toward the outside rim of the wheel until the slope meets the tire bead seat. Directly at the vertex of the slope and the tire bead seat will be an indentation very easy to feel with one finger. (if such a safety bead exists).

Wheel cover REMOVED:

Assume the valve stem is at the 6'oclock position.
Place a finger tip on the wheel directly next to the valve stem. About 1/8 inch lower than the valve stem there should be a radial indentation. (if a bead exists).

EDIT: the 54 Owners Manual schematic IS a good reference for location of the bead after all. See post #21:packardinfo.com/xoops/html/modules/newbb ... orum=1&post_id=62075#forumpost62075

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