Re: Overheating

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2010/12/3 16:15:00
Myself and another owner of another 56 Carib had about the most severe test of cooling systems with the V8s that we'd expect here in the northeaast enroute to Gettysburg this past year. Ninety-degrees, stuck in the hot sun on blacktop for about 2 hours on a closed Interstate due to an accident. Both cars got hot, temp gauges moving to about the 3/4 position or a bit more - we were both concerned about boiling over or vapor lock but luckily had no problems. I run a 180 degree thermostat which puts the gauge a abit short of midpoint - and had checked with a laboratory thermometer to verify the temp. Other than flushing with a garden hose, my radiator has never been serviced and the engine is a 90,000 mile original. To me, that was a real testament to how adequate these cooling systems can be. Maybe we were just lucky.

I guess you've already checked the usual culprits? Retarded ignition timing, restricted exhaust, dragging brakes, slipping fan belt, poor waterpump, too much paint on the radiator fins, and the like.

As anyone who was there can attest, the rest of the week at Gettysburg didn't get any cooler - I think the coolest day was 96; surprising but overheating problems were almost non-existant, and only 1 case of vapor luck that I recall.

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