Re: Overheating

Posted by John Harley On 2010/12/3 23:18:57

Overheating is boiling over, not good. Running hot is running over normal temperature but not bling over. This is the cooling system doing its job. Temperature differential over a good radiator core is a lot less than you would think, about 15 degrees or so

I had a 1950 Eight for 13 years that i recently sold. Our local club does lots of parades, the fees we get help out our treasury. After 5 or 10 minutes the temperature gauge would go over the H mark and stay there until the car was driven at speed. It never boiled over, but it scared me every time it happened.

We went over the cooling system numerous times. We checked the accuracy of the temperature gauge and it was on the mark. The block and distribution tube were squeaky clean.

Three summers ago I spent a lot of time and money going through the whole system exhaustively. I even bought a 4 row radiator for it despite the radiator man telling me I didn't need it.

We found a lot of smoking guns and fixed them, but the car behaved the same way.

Conclusion, if the car doesn't boil over the cooling system is doing its job


John Harley

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