Re: 6 cyl in a 55...another wacky idea?

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2010/12/27 11:58:16
But I think they should have just offered their existing (defunct by then) L-head 6 and 3 spd stick shift plus an older version (non-Twin) Ultramatic as an economy option in the Clippers to hedge their bets... it would have made a great taxi model too.

I think that idea would have been a tough, if not impossible sell. Firstly, the taxi business was reportedly a big-time money looser for Packard (perhaps Bob Neal's book will shed some more light on that). Secondly Packard was trying really hard to recoup some of their image as a luxury producer, having (finally, perhaps?) seen the error of their ways in the lower end of the middle price range with the 110s. A 37 Packard (110) for $795? Small wonder the lord of the manor didn't want a Packard anymore when his gardener drove up in one. I've always felt that bringing out the 110 was a catastrophic error in terms of maintaining their status as a luxury car maker. Anyway, just my opinion.

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