Re: solenoids inner fenders for T/L Unit

Posted by Mr.Pushbutton  On 2008/4/14 12:00:26
I'll have an answer for you tonight. It's a litte more complicated, the Green wire is always connected to +12V (hot) and the red and gray wires are shorted together (thru the shift relay)to ground in order to make the motor spin in one direction (stay tuned for the direction fo rotation) and the red and brown wires are connected together (to gorund), with a resistor in series (to slow the action in this directon of rotation--the system wants to turn faster in one direction than the other, this resistor is Autolite's fix)to turn in the other direction.

One word of caution--It is very easy to make the sector gear overtravel and jam against the housing, and the amount of torque required to break the secor free is in excess of what the motor can provide. Were you to make this mod I would recommend that you install rubber stop blocks inside the worm-sector gear chamber of the pushbutton actuator housing. There is about 3/8"-1/4" of free space between the sector gear and the housing at either direction of travel. a rubber block might act as a buffer and keep the gearing from locking up.

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