55 Clipper rim

Posted by John On 2011/4/30 12:22:10
I will be traveling from New Orleans to Orlando in late May/early June, and was wondering if anyone along the Interstate route would have one, or possibly two, steel rims for a 1955 Clipper that they would like to sell for a reasonable price. I have seen a few eBay posts, as well as a couple via the various forums, but shipping for the rims is usually more than the rim itself. I have a set of 4 on the car now, but all need to be blasted and repainted and only one of the four actually holds an airseal with tubeless tires. Unfortunately, work schedules have not allowed me to work much on the Packard for the last year, or so, but an upcoming job change will put me into a more stable schedule, so I want to get back to work and get her rolling. I'm also looking for the piece of exterior body metal that flanks the passenger side rear window on a 2 door. If anyone has a body that they are willing to cut the piece out of, I would be happy to send a photo of the parts that I need.

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