Re: All wiring nominal and TL not working

Posted by Mr.Pushbutton  On 2011/5/22 14:44:17
I believe the Max Merritt kit is a replication of the steep driveway kit, I'll have to look it up on their site to confirm. If it wires into the logic circuit for the T-L system and uses the limit switches and controls the solenoids in the engine compartment then it is the same. Some people improvise their own by wiring +12V to the motor directly, and that is where all of the trouble begins.
I noticed your signature, T-L was designed by the late Bill Allison, a man I knew, he was a brilliant mind, an "Engineer's engineer". The system works, and gives an uncommonly good ride for what passed as passenger car ride and handling in the mid 50s.
A big problem you will find with having a Packard worked on by anyone who is not in the old car business, or knowledgeable about Packards is that they did not always do things the way Ford, GM and Chrysler did, this makes them "weird" to many, and in "Might makes right" America, "different" is often interpreted as "wrong", when in reality it is just different.
Most corner garages try to pull a Packard over to their thinking instead of pulling their thinking over to what Packard did. A Packard is a well-engineered car, don't let anyone tell you different.

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