Re: All wiring nominal and TL not working

Posted by HH56 On 2011/5/22 15:42:16
A big problem you will find with having a Packard worked on by anyone who is not in the old car business, or knowledgeable about Packards is that they did not always do things the way Ford, GM and Chrysler did, this makes them "weird" to many, and in "Might makes right" America, "different" is often interpreted as "wrong", when in reality it is just different.

I have to veer off and respond. Never was a truer statement made and not only in the auto industry. The medical industry has the same philosophy. Some of the ways some companies can do things differently boggles the mind--anywhere from Rube Goldberg complexity to dirt simple but the end product is the same. I worked for one of the different companies and it's a two edged sword. One edge is it gets kludged by nincompoops like Packard TL and PBs do. The other edge is that wise third parties won't touch it knowing they might be in for a challenge so we got the service call. But either way it was that stupid so and so machine and why can't they make them like everyone else.

And back to PV8's question. No. The 56 limit switches are closed normally and when the inner cam in the gearbox rotates around to the limit it depresses the button and opens the switch.

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