Re: Stopped because....what's your story?

Posted by Jim L. in OR On 2011/6/15 13:42:52

michaelk wrote:
I remember a spirited discussion with an elderly gentleman who tried to explain me for half an hour that my Packard was made by Chrysler. No way to convince him otherwise, not even with the owner's manual...

I remember a conversation I had with my uncle who was co-owner of a Ford dealership in Greeley, CO that he'd had heard rumors at the Detroit Auto show in 1954 that one of Chrysler's hoped for benefits in buying Briggs was a "shotgun marriage" with Packard. He did say he had only heard it there and I had never heard of it anywhere else.
It would kinda make sense as Chrysler didn't have a stand alone luxury make like GM and Ford since Imperial was often referred to as the CHRYSLER-Imperial.
My uncle didn't put much faith in the story.

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