Re: The quest for the three ring pulley (chapter 36b)

Posted by HH56 On 2011/6/23 20:48:22
That's disappointing. Don't recall any pulleys Packard had that attached with 6 bolts and none with that configuration so no ideas. If it is Packard, maybe some one can enlighten me.

The V8 pulleys have some stamped or cast depressions and matching areas in the neck area which nest or key together into the damper assy. All are held to the crankshaft by a single 3/4 bolt/washer. If you have nothing now, options I can think of are:

Cheapest "semi-proper" way would be to find another power steering pulley. Would also need some washers to use as spacers between the two pulleys since they are the same size so won't nest completely. Also need a longer main bolt. Downside is it is slightly larger diameter than original and not the optimal size for driving the compressor. Sandens will handle it though. The better options IMHO, would be to see if Jack Vines still has any used ones or to get one of Jack Nordstroms

There have been some who have just used a longer belt and mounted the compressor in a way so as to use one of the existing drives. Downside to that is the longer belt routing and need to make sure the pulley wrap is sufficient so all pulleys get a decent driving contact area.

Of course, a mount where the spare groove on the compressor can drive the alternator is always an option although probably not the best.

EDIT: That may be a Studebaker engine pulley. Theirs appear to mount with 6 bolts onto a flat vibration damper assy. Maybe one of the Stude guys can confirm or deny.

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