Stude 56J Owner Checking Back In After Long Hiatus

Posted by Joe Hall On 2011/12/18 22:59:51
Today, I recommended this NG to a fellow 1956 Stude Golden Hawk (aka 56J) owner in the UK, who is restoring his. He had questions about the Ultramatic, and has had several questions about the 352.

After telling him how great you folks are, I recalled it had been waaay too long since I had been here. So I have spent a few hours catching up on 55-56 V8 threads.

I had started a thread here about a problem in putting a Melling pump in my 56J. Today, I noticed I never provided closure here after fixing that problem. The problem was a leaking rear main seal (which is an early 1990s Cadillac, neoprene seal). Long story short, I wound up modifying the main bearing cap for better return oil flow, and switched from the HO Melling to a standard one. The engine now has 7,000+ miles on that pump and still not leaking, with neoprene seal.

From one member's comment on that thread, looks like I need to submit some pix of the Cadillac seal and explain installation better. I will do so, but for now suffice to say it is easily installed, with engine in car, and is a permanent, easy fix for a leaking rope type seal.

Joe Hall

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