Need info on 55 Clipper

Posted by John On 2006/12/27 23:14:33
Let me start by saying great site. I've been looking around and lots of good info. I very new to the whole Packard thing. I just bought a 55 two door hard top Clipper. I plan to do a mild custom with it. Nothing stupid no chops, crazy flaked paint job or 20 inch wheels just the simple stuff. I want to keep the car as close to stock. I had a few people tell me the auto trans in these can be a real pain. Is this ture? I plan to drive this thing alot. I havn't found alot of info on horsepower and torque. I don't know what cubic inch my motor is. I guess we'll start with those easy question. I'll have a ton more but any help would be great.

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