Re: waterpump woes

Posted by Cli55er On 2012/1/17 10:29:36
Thank you VERY much for the kind gesture. Let me think it over, because i'm not sure if kanter/max will just sell me the shaft seal without the kit. (and i can't find it anywhere on the net.) if not i will have to go other routes. plus my friend Mike (local friend) is looking in his parts. sorry to be so cheap and its not that i don't want to donate. (and for those that are curious...yes i have donated to this site much as i could)

i will let you know when i find out from Mike and we will proceed from there.

and wasn't a was a pressing on hub booboo. i supported it on the outside of the housing instead of on the shaft itself, like an idiot. so BANG POW BOOM fly across room. trust me the will pass the 4ft drop cause i plowed it into the concrete floor from being so pissed and it took a chunk outa my floor and didn't hurt the housing. darnest thing....can't press on it...but can fling it into concrete. who woulda thought.

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