Re: V8 oil Pump ID?

Posted by PackardV8 On 2012/3/5 15:14:23
Yes, when the OLds conversion is installed it is a good idea to grasp the drive shaft (BETWEEN PUMP AND DISTRIBUTOR) to move it up and down alittle bit to be sure that there IS some up and down play in the intermediate shaft. IT also indicates good alignment of pump to distributor.

As a side note:

The Olds pressure relief sliding valve EXTENDS into the discharge port cavity of the Olds pump. BUT the Packard V8 valve stops at a reduction of the bore and does NOT stick out into the discharge port like the Olds pump does.

I'm not sure why Olds designed it that way and i'm not sure if there is any FUNCTIONAL advantage or not. Just havn't given it much thot. Easier for Olds to manufacture that way and probably the only reason. But it does provide NEGLIGIBLE resistence to the oil.

My personal opinion based on my experience is to definately convert to the Olds pump.

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