Re: Replace trans cooler with molded radiator hose

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2012/3/14 8:45:39
I'm assuming your new "external" trans cooler was an air-cooled (versus liquid-cooled) type. I had this change made on my Twin Ultramatic during a transmission rebuild and had a subsequent transmission failure which I attributed (correctly or incorrectly) to that style of cooler. I was stuck in near stand-still traffic for about 3 hours on an interstate in full midday sun on a 99 degree day last summer. In such conditions, to keep the car moving a couple of yards every few minutes, the torque converter is producing extreme heat but the only air flow over the trans cooler is that little bit the fan can pull thru with the engine at idle speed - the effect was trans damage from overheating. Granted, this is the type of extreme condition one might never experience again to that degree.

After the trans was redone, I had the original liquid cooler returned to service, in series with the air cooler so that even when there is little or no air flow, there is still cooling. The internal portion of the original cooler is stainless steel so not likely to leak - I suggest you repair the simple sheet metal necks on the original cooler and reinstall it, alone or in series with whatever other cooler you have.

PS - the one positive from the experience, the car didn't overheat significantly, and no evidence of vapor lock. The car does not have an electric fuel pump.

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