Re: Dual Quad Intake

Posted by Joshua Nelson On 2012/3/21 11:45:10
I have been considering doing this with my 400, but parts are hard to find!

I have a suggestion: I teach a materials class at Ivy Tech Community College. In the class, we do sand casting as one of the activities. If someone with one of these intakes would be willing to work together on this, it would be conceivable to make a lost foam (or lost wax) pattern and then start making aluminum intakes from the original pattern. This would be a great exercise for the students and would help out those who want a dual-quad intake.

The easiest thing would be to find the molds for the patterns, but I am not sure if those would still be around. Any ideas on that?

Short of that, we could measure and make our own molds and patterns.

Thoughts on this?


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