Re: Howard Hughes Caribbean

Posted by ewrecks On 2015/1/24 18:35:57
Leedy- I am not sure how to respond to your post. I am sure that I am not the first person to take pictures of the Hughes Caribbean. I concur that the curator and staff were terrific.
I have tried without success to secure detailed photos of this car or other benchmark vehicles for several years and would gladly have paid and would still pay for detail pictures of the engine compartment, trunk, interior and other areas of the car to allow restoration approaching original specifications.
Is there some reason why the extensive photographs and engineering details that you mention are not readily available or incorporated into a judging guideline.
I have been somewhat confused that those who restore Packards much less those who are called upon to judge them do not have such guidance.
I do not restore my cars for show but do endeavor to try to perform the work in such a fashion that it does not preclude a future owner from such activity. I drive my cars and will install radial tires, updated halogen lights, electronic ignitions( Petronix) and perhaps electric wipers for safety and ease of operation. I do not change engines, transmissions, interiors or suspension or braking systems--- although the TredleVac has tempted me.
More common Marques like the Corvette and Mopar groups have taken steps to identify Benchmark vehicles and to document every aspect of construction and details- both to aid restoration and to to allow consistent judging.
If the photographs of the Hughes car are available, I am sure they are superior to my efforts. Please advise whether I may purchase copies and I will endeavor to get them into open circulation.
I would hope that similar efforts could be available for other models- we will be working on a 55 Clipper Comstellation shortly and are pretty much in the same haze regarding specifics.

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