Re: Torsion Level Operational, or not?

Posted by HH56 On 2015/2/13 14:23:24
It appears that the override also overrides the limiter switch.

If it is properly installed, it does not over ride the limits. The proper install is to parallel the control box relay outputs connecting the manual switch at the control box terminals which is before the limit switches. A connection there and limits stay in the circuit.

The factory manual switch also has a second set of contacts which disconnects the control box as soon as manual switch is moved so the two do not "fight" when manual is chosen and car moves enough out of level the control box would want to bring it back.

An aftermarket switch should be wired the same way also before the limits but won't have the disconnect function. On those installs the operator must remember to turn off the TL toggle switch under the dash before using the manual override or fuses will blow.

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