Re: Upholstery confusion

Posted by Ross On 2024/6/24 6:22:03
Your car had been "done" at one point. Remember that these cars were already being "fixed up" and even restored in the late seventies and eighties. There is plenty of time since then for them to fall on really hard times. There are a lot of cars I can remember as awful darned decent when I was 25 that have fallen off the face of the earth since then--including for example my own very spiffy 55 Constellation that I sold to make down payment on my first house. Never seen or heard from again, and presumably rotted down in some back yard.

Here are a couple shots of a 12K mile car in '09 at Warren. It is the nicest untouched 55 Deluxe I've ever seen and shows the textured vinyl used on the door panels and the two special cloths used on the seats.

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