V-8 engine design flaws

Posted by R Anderson On 2010/1/23 17:30:32
In reading about all the modifications that the V8 seems to need to become durable long term, it is astounding to me that a company that built it's reputation as "The Master Motor Builder" ever let the thing out the door... did anyone ever interview the engineers in charge of V8 design and testing to find out what and how this happened? Is there now a consensus as what actually must be done - modified oil pumps or valve seals, or other mods - to make the V8 what it should have been in the first place? Or is all of that neccesary only for very severe abuse ie racing? It would seem that the whole reliability issue along with TL and TU must have been a debacle of the first order that helped drag the company's reputation down, right when they needed the cars to sell in sufficient quantity in order to stay alive ?

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