Re: Retuning the Tappet Tango......

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2010/7/2 8:28:29
HOW - buy or borrow a good quality mechanical oil pressure gauge, fit it with a flexible line, and install it temporarily in place of the sending unit for the electric dash gauge. WHERE - the electrical sending unit is at the rear top of the engine, behind the intake manifold and adjacent to the crankcase breather tube (kind of opposite the distributor). It has a single wire attached to it at the top of it.

For the pressure at the lifter galley, remove the inlet line to the oil filter and install the gauge. This is on the front face of the driver's side cylinder head behind the water pump manifold. Just follow the two lines from the filter - the one that installs on the vertical front face of the cylinder head is the one you want - the one that installs horizontally near the oil filler tube is the return line, that's not the one you want.

I'd bet someone will post pictures for you, I don't have any handy.

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