Repop pistons from Egge/Kanter/Packards International - update
Posted by Jack Vines On 2010/10/19 12:32:40
Three updates - Kanter/Packard International no longer offers a complete rebuild kit. The parts now have to be ordered individually. No explanation as to why they chose to drop their kits and inconvenience themselves and their buyers.
They do, however, now stock wrist pin bushings. These were out of stock for quite a while. The repros are cut from bronze tubing and not split as were the OEM bushings.
AFAIK, Egge Machine continues to be the sole source for Packard V8 cast pistons. If one calls Kanter/Packard International and specifically asks if they will be furnishing Egge pistons, they will equivocate and refuse to specifically answer the question. When the box arrives, the Egge label will be cut off and the printed insert will be censored with a black felt pen to block out the Egge name.
This is not particularly unusual behavior, as I've seen similar from Tucson Packard, Terril Machine and everyone else in the old Packard parts industry. Some will even cut off the country-of-origin label so the buyer won't see "Made in Taiwan" on his rod bearings.
The latest pistons from Egge are better quality than those from years back. However, the .030" OS pistons and pins weighed in twenty-nine grams heavier than the STD bore OEM pistons. This isn't a problem, as we always re-balance all our engines, but everyone should know they can't just be stuck in the holes and run without a balance job.
jack vines
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