Re: Packard Trivia

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2012/5/7 11:44:48
Hey Kev, that's a good one and one that hadn't occurred to me to consider. Time to check some parts books and see if it's in the running.

UPDATE: Kev, seemed a great idea until the parts books opened. The longest-running I've found is the one for the 356 engine at 11 years (or 10 if you don't include the marine engines); the one for the 282/327/359 at 6 years; the V8 one at 2 years. But the one for the 245 six might be a candidate as the six ran from 1937 to 1950 and then some years after that as the ID-245 Packard industrial engine and then in the White truck engine. Anyone want to check that out?

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