Re: Another AC idea.

Posted by PackardV8 On 2012/6/3 6:58:01

Yes, Packard in your own words is a "serious road car"!!!

One of the problems that any classic car owner faces is PUBLIC IMAGE of "old cars". Even by your screen name which includes the term "overdrive" indicates an attempt to make a Super 8 road worthy for MODERN road demands which here in the us means an ability to SUATAIN 70 - 80 mph for hours on end.

AC is just another demand of modern life whether we in fact need it or not.

The modern purist faces a dilemma that most such purists have not recognized yet. PUBLIC IMAGE!!!! It's one thing to relegate ANY (NON-vehicular) antique to a closet shelf or somekind of a conversation piece, display item or even lawn ornament. An automobile is in it's own right. It IS an AUTOMOBILE!!!

Since it is an automobile the worse thing that can happen is to display a negative public image. Negative images such as poking along the road at 45 mphholding up traffic, windows down trying to get ventalation from the heat of the summer, dim lights at nite, breaking down on the side of the road.

All of that is fine for the lone car driver. But noone else IN THE CAR or traveling behind it have any appreciation for it at all.

I am a purist at heart. However after operating and owning various collectibles over 40+ years i have evolved a realization that there are a few purist efforts that are simply no longer practicle.

Or to put it another way: The days of trying to live like somekind of a 1985 rerun of a 1965 Ozzie and Harriet episode have long passed away along with mullets and minivans.

It's either a ROAD CAR or it becomes a lawn ornament.

The REAL WORLD dictates that we move on with our cars. Otherwise they become something like old great grandpa's pocket watch the doesn't work anymore and is laying at the bottom of a dresser drawer or finds it's way eventualy into the gold recycler hands.

Which one of those ways does anyone want it???

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