Re: Freon again.

Posted by PackardV8 On 2012/7/18 9:00:02
"The freeze 12 ... in small cans. Turns out that was mostly 134 with a small amount of another refrigerant."

Yeah. I've been suspicous of that. I'm suspicous that refrigerants of ANY type or application automotive or houshold (that use a pump) are all the same and miscible (except convection type).

"I was under the impression at one time there was a fine if an unknown refrigerant was removed and contaminated a shops recovery apparatus".

Of course. There is a fine for everything these days. But lets think about the "contaminated" recovery apparatus.

It begs the question:
Just exactly what becomes of the "recoverd" ("contaminated" or not) refigerant after the apparatus has filled up????? OF course there will always be some genius with a BS, MS or Phd from Little B-Peep University to chime in and say "They recycle it! Yaaaayy!!!!" Yeah, recycle it alrite. Recycled rite back into the NEXT customers car that comes in the door and charged for new refrigerent.

Think about it.

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