Re: Brake Hoses

Posted by HH56 On 2012/7/30 21:55:56

PackardV8 wrote:
Quote from post #1 above:
"There is a very interesting piece on brake hoses by Jim Turner in the August issue of SDC's Turning Wheels Co-Operator tech column."

I don;t know. Maybe my wine fogged memmory is Zig/Zagging tricks on me but is that the same source that brought us 1965 Packard V13 SUV MiniVans some 10 years ago and wheels that split because someone mounted radial tyres on them????

Or, in the immortal words of Pink Flyod " Wheeeeeeew".

Turner is a long time Studebaker guy and has designed and been selling disc brake and other kits for Studes quite a while.

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