Re: Some Packards and others Down-Under

Posted by Peter Hartmann On 2008/8/6 10:00:51
Eric - I am not picking on you personally - just commenting on the nature of the times - these days, people seem less concerned with "precision of thought", and more interested in just "proving a point" without regard to the facts.

I am sure, having watched your posts over the years, that you are a nice guy and a damn good and inventive mechanic. But why stick your nose into a subject you are not familiar with ? Again - this is a rhetorical question - NOT picking on you personally.

C' "Packard Original Parts" to convert a Twelve over to RIGHT hand drive ? Dosnt it embarss you just a BIT that there are people in here who DO know just a bit about the technical and engineering differences between Packard eight CYL. cars, (with which you are obviously VERY competent and familiar) and Packard TWELVE cyl. cars ?

Hydraulic clutch ? Eh ? You ever actually SEEN a Packard V-12 car with the floor-boards out ?

Our Australian friend has confirmed my suspicions and answered my questions. Please..please - I am sure ALL of us value your imput when you are discussing technical matters in your MANY areas of competence.

When you can tell me what pages of the PACKARD STORES (Packard's name in the earlier years for their Parts Dept. Book) I have over-looked, THEN I will be impressed with your comments on Packard V-12's.

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