Re: Alternator Wiring Question

Posted by HH56 On 2012/8/19 9:09:25
Keith, I was thinking somewhat along the same lines as you. Use the old loom by connecting the armature lead to the output of alternator. Keep the ground since more can't hurt and isolate and tape off the field. At the regulator end, connect the bat and arm wires together and disconnect the field. That would run the alternator output directly to the ammeter using the original wiring. Results should be all operation same as before.

What concerns me is that the 15' of #10 original wire is tightly wrapped in a loom with other wires so no heat dissipation is possible. #10 is rated for 20 amps at that distance although I do believe in this application that is slightly conservative.

I do kind of like the added #10 in parallel. It would still leave 4' or so from ammeter to solenoid original but better than 15'. A second parallel for that section might work. Electrical doesn't seem to be his specialty so I'm not terribly confident his mechanic would be the best one to do it since there is a bit of detail work required.

I'll grant you chances of the old maximum ever being exceeded are extremely small with just an AC added. After all, the old generator setup didn't have a problem with it. I would strongly suggest following the old way of connecting AC via a relay supplied from a fused source directly off the battery connection at solenoid though.

Being as anal & inclined to overkill as I am, the old motto of be prepared comes to mind since the alternator can exceed the old maximum. I'd still like to hear from others with alternators and AC just for their experiences if nothing else.

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