Re: Guess it might not be the points.... Suggestions!?

Posted by Bobby On 2012/8/25 11:23:10
Hi Steve,

Cussing fits are a part of repairs...try to remember that the car invoking such emotion is a Packard, so try to be as tasteful and discrete as possible!

Do NOT use kerosene! Kerosene works b/c it breaks down oil..and since you can never really get it all out, it will continue to break down the new oil you put in. If you suspect that ANY part is that gunked up, you have to take it apart, where you can effectively clean it from the gunk as well as whatever solvent you use.

Also, the 'Heavy duty/severe application' stuff isn't really required...a good, mineral based, (proper viscosity) name brand fluid is practically rocket quality compared to the stuff originally installed, chemical evolution is light years ahead of the brews from the '50's...don't over think (or over spend).

Lastly, my own experience with fuel pumps is that they typically work or they don't..unless you've got a bad/lose connection. However, if it;s the original pump..or you cannot determine that...replace it...they do not last forever, and when they go, they can leave you stranded (which they often do, as they seem to have this karmic agreement with the cosmos to give up the ghost as far from home as possible).


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