Re: Guess it might not be the points.... Suggestions!?

Posted by PackardV8 On 2012/9/6 21:23:29
Be patient. That car is nearly 60 years old. How many 60 year old GM's F's or C's or 60 year old anything have u tried to resurrect from decades of everyone across 50 states has worked on?????

Maybe u have. I don;t know. But it's not much different mechanically from any other car of that era except that it is bigger, heavier and powerful.

Now i'm an old Chevy man tried and true. Of the post war era I'll argue the best of any industry that when the shit hits the fan, push comes to shouve, the sky is literaly falling and something absolutely positively has to happen RITE NOW then the only answer is any Chevy 53 thru 89 or maybe Cadillac or Buick of the post war era. That argument WILL win everytime.

However, I like something different. ANYONE can keep a Chevy, Model A Ford, Mustang or HD on the road. And just about anyone does.

If u can keep the GM's u have running then the Packard should not present any problems. It's just slower process that's all.

15 years ago Packard was the furthest thing my mind. I was looking for an XJS convert, Cord or Hudson. Long storey short i bought this 56 Exec and drove it home. Parked it under a tree and thot to myself "why did i buy that thing?". 3 days went by before i ever touched it again. Got it running RITE and fell in love with it.

Packard is not for everyone. ASk the man that wants something exquisite AND DIFFERENT!! However I'll admit that the last thing that will pried from my rigamortis hand when i die will be the Chevy i own.

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