Re: Guess it might not be the points.... Suggestions!?

Posted by PackardV8 On 2012/9/7 12:20:11
I don't know what the compression ratio of that particular engine is. Someone here ought to know tho or maybe in specs part of manual.

Mukltiply the compression RATIO by 15 and that should give the (APPROXIMATE) maximun compression available for that compression ratio. Works for any engine.

If compression is anywhere 70psi or better than the engine ought to start ust fine. At 65 maybe some slow to start symptoms. Under 55 forget it. However starting fluid works very well to get such engines started.

Make sure all electrical connexions are SCRAPED OR FILED to VIRGin shiny metal. Wire brushing not good enuf. I've ran into this too many times. Just finished a 60 year old 6v wireing system about a week ago. Never heard it run myself. After all the work the relay would only clik. Despite a very clean looking battery ground cable conexxion at the trans bolt i took it off anyway and FILED it clean to virgin SHINY metal, both the cable, bolt and the trans flange where it mounted. She fired rite up with a whimper.

U can check for timing slip with a timing lite while cranking engine. IT doesn't have to start and run.

Spark should be a good sharp BLUE color. Not orange or redish.

Try a KNOWN good coil and condenser. Maybe a coil and condenser from one one of your running GM cars with points ignition. Just because u buy a NEW coil or condenser doesn't mean they are any good. I've ran into bad parts new in box that were bad, especial ECMs. Happens a good 10% of the time if not 20%. CHeck wire inside of distributor. Cloth covered is the wire and can rot real fast.

Just "consulted" hands-on on a VW bug. Reproduction NEW parts that did not fit rite and had to be modified slightly to work. THis happens quite often acrosss replacement parts, NOW more than ever.

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