Re: How many folks on this site DO NOT belong to a local Packard club?

Posted by N.C.23rdPackard On 2012/9/16 10:17:53
The PAC club seems a bit stuffy for me...I will still probably join for the periodicals tho. I am about 2 more slaps on the wrist for being uncouth away from telling them to kiss my ass over there (sorry Dave). I had to remind them that the REALLY rich guys don't ACT all rich and stuck up, only the KINDA rich ones. Lets just talk cars, accept that variety in people is the spice of life, and stop trying to out fancy pants each other (PAC site) I DO like this one, AND other then Dave over there (Owen here) this one is way more helpful, AND that one seems kinda dead as a post might stay at the top of a board for weeks! Just my $.02 I am glad that I am "ALLOWED" to give it.

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