Re: If you are under sixty, how did you get interested in Packards?

Posted by ScottG On 2012/10/28 23:48:47
I just happen to have exceptionally good taste.

Seriously, my grandfather, a physicist that spent little time worrying about the material things that life offered, often talked lovingly of a Packard that he bought used when he was a young man. While he never mentioned the series or model of the car he owned, I did hear repeatedly of its quality, its reliability and the respect that it commanded when on the road. These sentiments, coming from a man that spent that much of his life working through mathematical equations, always impressed me and imparted me with a lasting respect for the Packard marque.

Sometimes I think that the elder statesmen of the hobby try too hard to perpetuate a love of the marque. As long as the cars are out there a certain segment of the car hobby will always gravitate to Packard. However, as a 35 year old with three kids with whom I'd like to share my love of cars, I do see three big problems facing the hobby. One, a reasonable supply of surviving examples of the brand must remain available and accessible to young hobbyists. If we continue to view a majority of these cars as "investments" or objects d'art, young guys won't be able to afford to get "in the door." And, being priced out of the marque, they'll move on to other brands or even leave the hobby prematurely. Second, Big Brother in Washington, D.C. ("Clunker" programs, emission/safety regs, gas taxes, forcibly removing certain necessary chemicals form the market, etc.) poses an especially big risk to those of us actually interested in driving our cars. We must remain vigilant and continue to support organizations that will lobby effectively on our behalf. Lastly, our culture no longer seems to place much emphasis on teaching kids to work with their hands. How can we expect a new generation of "car-guys" when we aren't taking the time to show our kids how to pound a nail or change a tire? Address these issues, and the next generation will find Packard on their own.

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