Re: Halogen lamps

Posted by PackardV8 On 2012/11/23 12:35:44
HH56. The halogen vs standard may very well become a marketing ploy. When FIRST introduced the hal's may have been made to produce a better lite beam in all aspects. The idea at THAT TIME was to convince change from standard. Now that the hal's are common place perhaps they are less quality than 15 to 20 years ago.

Enter the Xenon's.

OR to put it another way:
Consider the 6v vs 12v claims. Disk vs drums. e-ignition vs points.

I have hal's here that after 8 years the 'silvering " has worn off. Which means that the hal's slowly lost lite beam quality. On the other hand i have old sealed beams from as long ago as the late 1950's, maybe earllier. Still with new mirror quality reflectors.

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