Re: Capone's 1930 Packard on Craig's List

Posted by HH56 On 2012/11/25 12:12:53
Not to me but to some that would be a selling point and worth every penny. After all, he was the Mr Big of the day. Right up there with some movie star whose cast off belongings or half eaten lunches go for astronomical amounts to some fan.

If the name attached didn't do it legitimately, remember there is a fool born every minute -- some with more money than sense and ripe for the picking. Remember the guy who paid a HUGE amount for a nothing particularly special Chevy convertible a few years ago just because he wanted it and could afford it.

Unless the seller is called out by a knowledgeable person demanding more proof, I wouldn't be at all surprised to read in coming days that the car did sell -- and then to see it listed again somewhere shortly after the sale hoping another gullible person will buy it for even more money.

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