Re: Dejavu??

Posted by HH56 On 2012/12/4 19:44:42
I never have and never will own an Apple product - period.

And after using Windoze at home in the early years and as integral parts in various controls in the x-ray field until fairly recently, I have come to the opposite conclusion. I finally made the total switch at home when OSX came out -- over 10 years ago and will never look back.

Microsoft must have thought something was worthwhile at Apple since they copied a large piece of the Apple operating system and introduced it as Windows 95. Too bad they got away with it but since no one worried much about strong software patents 25 years ago they did. That was a very hard lesson learned and probably the main reason Apple goes after companies today for the slightest patent infringement.

Apple's slogan of "it just works" is not an understatement in my experience. Today's OSX has Unix underpinning so more secure right out of the box with no viruses for starters. True, there are some trojan exploits thru java and flash and WebKit that have made and still are making the rounds. Common sense and built in Unix precautions of not allowing root access or auto installs as Windoze finally implemented with their security center have mostly kept MAC problems to a minimum. When I had MS, it was a new antivirus package every few days that had to be downloaded and I still had a couple sneak thru.

I still shudder at all the issues, BSOD's and critical system reboots we had to endure with the Windoze stuff in medical -- some at the worst possible times. So many times Windoze would just quit in the middle of an exam for no reason. You couldn't add virus protection either because most of the virus packages are so resource intensive they slowed things down or would have some FDA issues with certification so another big concern.

As to price, yes you do pay more up front because Macs are loaded at the start with no delete options. There are included software packages which are either part of the operating system or come preloaded with the computer. That is a problem for some that don't need or want bells. But, when you configure comparable systems, I think you will find a very competitive environment. Dell was certainly surprised when they tried configuring one of theirs to be a similarly equipped system a couple of years ago -- and yes, for at least 5 years I've been one of those Apple fanatics. Macs though -- not into the phones and pads.

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