Re: Last Days in the Bunker

Posted by RogerDetroit On 2012/12/7 14:09:28
Randy that is part of the thread I posted last Sunday here:

To get the full effect of Before and After you need to make sure you run your cursor over the photos from left to right or right to left.

Those photos were taken by a Detroit Free Press videographer that I have met several times - his name is Brian Kaufman. He is working on a video documentary that should be out in January or February 2013.

Meanwhile, you can see a six minute "movie trailer" of it here:

The first 3 minutes are images with a voice over of a Detroit poet, Philip Levine, that wrote a poem about the Boulevard Plant called "The Last Shift." The remainder shows the plant today with sound bites from locals, community folks, Packard friends and retirees. One of those PMCC retirees is my "Aunt" Helen who worked at Packard during WWII with my Mom. Hope you enjoy it.

The condition of the Boulevard Plant is all the more reason to support the preservation of the PPG.

Best, --Roger--

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